If you are a regular user of Starbucks gift cards, then it is your responsibility to come up with the best ideas to manage those cards. Otherwise, you would not be able to get the right advantages that these premium cards allow to their clients or customers. You must be very alert to check Starbucks gift card balance at regular intervals so that you can keep yourself updated. If you cannot do it on a regular basis, then you can at least do it before you plan for a shopping using the cards.

Gift Card Exchange

Also Read: Risks to Avoid When You Sell Gift Cards Instantly!

Here are a few common ways to check Starbucks gift card balance that you can use at your convenience:

Calling the company number for balance inquiry:

It is the easiest process to check the available balance of your Starbucks gift cards. To make it happen you can call 1-800-782-7282 from your registered mobile number. If you call the number from an unregistered mobile number, then you would get an error message instead of the balance available on your Starbucks cards. This number remains open round the clock for all 365 days of the year, so you can call any moment to check the balance.

Use the Starbucks App:

This is another easier way to check the balance on your Starbucks gift cards. You can always download and install the Starbucks gift cards app on your Android or Apple iPhone and register on that using your registered mobile number.  You can always log in to the app and have a look at the updated available balance on your gift cards. The app is available on the Google Play store and on Apple Store.

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Use the Starbucks website to check your balance online:

You can always visit the website of Starbucks on your laptop or even on your mobile handset to check your Starbucks gift card balance. You can log in to your account using your unique account credentials and then get the details right on your device monitor.

Video: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/cashforgiftcard/690847923045629952

So, you see how important it is as well as easy to check Starbucks gift card balance. It becomes very important when you want or need to sell your Starbucks cards. You can get paid in cash for gift cards you sell only if your card has a minimum balance of $25. You can get the updated status only when you check the balance before you proceed.

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